Gotta Have It – Blue Skies Magazine


The one skydiving related publication that is an absolute must in your mailbox every month. Blue Skies Mag is NOT safe for work. You should probably put it away when your grandmother comes over. You might want to put it away when your mother comes over. You should definitely not leave it out on your daughter’s slumber party night.

There are boobies and SkyGod and curse words and the Fuckinpilot. The publishers are skydivers who have such major cases of nylon poisoning that they put their life savings (not much, these are skydivers) into the most awesomely slick skydiving mag ever. It’s a magazine about you.  And me.  And that crazy idiot over there.  And all the stupid, fun, crazy shit we do.

Which is why you Gotta Have It. Go here and give them your money already!